Chakakuna IMD

We, the bridge.

A couple of weeks into the COVID-19 quarantine, we (Tomás & Nicolás) got together over Zoom to catch up. We found connections in every direction, and our dreams spiraled up together pretty quickly. 


Enter Lucero.


Maybe our first achievement was founding each other. With her energy, we were ready to leave planning mode to full-on execution. To seal the deal she sent us a link to Kate Rushin’s The Bridge Poem


The bridge I must be
Is the bridge to my own power
I must translate
My own fears
My own weaknesses


I must be the bridge to nowhere
But my true self
And then
I will be useful

Fotografía de Lucero Cuba, fundadora, relajada al lado de su gato.


After our first batch of clients, we knew we could do the work. Ten years of refining our research craft working for NGOs, the public sector, and the industry paid off.

The next challenge was to build a company. So we decided to start by building a team. We made an open call for junior researchers and received 500+ applicants for 2 positions.


The selection process was as hard as gratifying. We tried to make the experience as we’d liked it to be when we started our professional journeys: humane.


As a result, we welcomed Ella, Mariana, Francesca, and Eurídice!

We’re always looking for new talent.


About Us



Investigación, Medios & Desarrollo
Los Olivos, Lima 15301, Perú

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